Saturday, November 1, 2008


Yesterday we took the kiddiez to the Halloween fair @ Suburbia club. Of course they didn't need any costumes - their odd personalities are enough! :)
Here they are, so you can see we really mean it. Just to give you an idea, we had a unicorn on pills (yeah, that kind of pills :P), a killer cat, another one that suffered from food poisoning and these ninja owls that instantly engaged in fights. Yep, it's tough to be their parent, but there are also some rewards.

For example, we were happy to see a lot of friends at this fair - and our [best ever] pals also showed up to give their support, play the marketing manager game and drink a beer or two while at it :) They even found inovative ways of wearing BURP thingies :))
(And yes, these pictures DO make for a great blackmailing project :))

Anyway, here's a picture review for all of you. Have a nice weeeek-end!

Kitten and her wonderful (kit)Tees...

...the cool (and) Skinny Bunny...

...Virginia and those funny faces...

...evintage, of course...

...some Fandacsia funkiness...

...the Hybrid Rainbow with kawaii stuff...

...and basically something for everyone! :)