...is almost here!
That's what I realized this morning when I scanned the newsstand for...well, news :) and this jumped right into my face: the June issue of BOLERO! But you don't know how happy I was when I looked thru the magazine and noticed our little Toupee Rabbit belt on one of the models in the FUNZONE section. The fashion people from BOLERO bought it at My Grandma's Backyard...and now, he's got all eyes on him! Thank you, girls!
Now Toupee Rabbit is probably happy to see his friends again, 'cause other 2 BURP kiddiez have appeared in this mag, if you remember. Here's the Bubbly Catterpillar and the Pretty Ninja Rabbit brooches - in September 2007.
P.S.: in the last pic you can see Toupee Rabbit at My Grandma's Backyard in March, sitting pretty on his chair.
naissssssss :P a big round of applause for da kiddiez :))
Thank you, thank you :)
The kiddiez are uber-happy!!!!
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