Thursday, March 12, 2009

bye, bye Breslo

Some of you already noticed we closed our shop on Breslo. Yep, some of you even asked why :) And here's the answer. We actually wrote a comment on the Breslo forum in this thread, but it seems it cannot be viewed anymore, since our account is no longer active :)

Anyway, we'll just say it out here, as it's really bothering a lot of people lately and we really decided to do something about it. Not something great or anything :) Just something for us. And maybe a few others who share our thoughts.

The discussion in that particular thread is about STOLEN IDEAS. Yep, guys, STOLEN. And there are some pretty scary examples in there. People looking on Etsy for inspiration found a little more than that. People looking at others for inspiration thought they could copy some ideas and just sell them on a dumping strategy - for peanuts.

It's not Breslo's fault - but it's happening in the so-called Romanian "handmade community" - and most of them are on this website. It seems the "handmade community" idea is kinda over and out in this case - if it's not about creating and striving to be better, than it's about copying and striving to be cheaper and lesser? Or what?

really can't stand that anymore. And we thought it was time to speak up. We heard a lot of people saying that you really cannot "invent anything anymore". Great. What a line! What a lame line, so to say... Yes you can!

And all those on Breslo who write on forums that you can't are really really wrong and maybe too lazy to come up with something new.
There's always creativity, people. Remember that concept? And no, cartoon characters ALREADY have a creator! And so do many other things that some people find "inspiring". We're not trying to say anything else than stop cheating yourself and stop cheating others, too!

There should be a little respect for ideas - if anyone cares. And we simply cannot be part of a community that doesn't do that.

This is our dark side speaking :)
So it's OK if you hate what we said, but you know it's true :D

Go create! :)


HarajukuLady said...

sunt de acord cu voi! si eu am scris articole despre plagiat si m-am plans de furtul pe fata dar se pare ca toti prefera sa se uite in alta directie. breslo a devenit un loc unde poti sa te uiti si sa copiezi ce doresti fara aud mereu "inventeaza ceva nou!"
ce replica simplista si neinventiva!
ma bucur ca ati avut curajul sa afirmati ceva ce gandesc si altii!

BURP said...

we know, we know...

Cristina Kittn said...

Eu vad mai puţin îngrijorător copiatul, în general pun pe seama lipsei experienţei, în schimb atitudinea de a desfiinţa alte persoane precum şi lipsa de viziune şi scop nu îmi par benefice deloc.
Looking forward to lunch with you and biba!

Mad About Handmade said...

da,sunt si eu aici. pe breslo se arata cu degetul,se critica si nu se creeaza. dezamagire.

BURP said...

@BiBiu: de aceea unii s-au retras :)
in orice caz, daca principala preocupare de acolo ar fi creatia si fiecare ar incerca sa se auto-depaseasca dpdv creativ, probabil ca lucrurile ar sta altfel...

Anonymous said...

Fetelor, apropo de breslo, nu am intalnit niciodata tepari mai pe fata ca ei. Am cont la ei din iulie si obisnuiesc sa platesc pt 3 luni.Deviez putin de la subiectul in sine, dar personajul principal este acelasi.Organizez un targ de handmade in Constanta, si am intrat pe breslo sa trimit invitii anumitor creatori.In 2 zile m-am trezit cu contul suspendat pe motiv ca am facut spam. Ok, am zis, n-am citit niciodata regulamentul(cred ca 99% din utilizatori nu l-au citit nu?), si oricum nu cred ca am trimis mai mult de 10 mesaje pt ca la majoritatea am intrat pe blog sau aveau alta adresa. Deci am folosit mesageria lor doar in cazul in care persoana nu avea alte date publice.Nu am facut nimanui un rau invitandu-i la un targ sa-si vanda produsele, nu?
Dar, probabil ca data la care este targul i-a cam deranjat pe cei care detin breslo. Si ei organizeaza targuri si poate ca al lor se suprapune cu cel din Constanta, si nu mai e ok. Am dat telefoane, mi s-a raspuns doar la unul, cu 'necunoscut', am dat mailuri, degeaba...Eu cred ca spamul este doar un motiv pt a-mi suspenda contul, care este platit pana la mijlocul lui martie.Daca nu ar avea nimic de ascuns, sau ar fi corecti mi-ar raspunde la mailuri,pt ca eu in momentul de fata am contul suspendat din motiv de spam, dar cum ramane?Asta nu stiu, pt ca nu mi se raspunde.

BURP said...

@utilizator_breslo_tepuit: mda, cam nasol cand se intampla chestii de genul asta. sa speram ca se rezolva neintelegerea.