Friday, September 5, 2008

things we do...

...these days

Work. Fun. And PR :)) Dunno exactly which one comes first or why.
Anyway, yesterday was spent in the
TABU office with the nice people from Aiurea, eVintage, V 4 Vintage,Vintage Boutique, Gentile SilViei and Umbreluta de dantela. Everything was in there: the make-up, the fashion people, the photo shoot :)

In a room full of UFOs hanging down the ceiling...

...some found things that weren't reality eatable, but offered a good chew while waiting for the make-up session to be over :) ...

...while others engaged in some very interesting talks...

...and shared insights on the handmade...

...or the vintage business.

And then there's more: here's a nice article Oana from Evenimentul Zilei wrote about urban toys. And she included the BURP kiddiez in there, making us remember about all the lil' ones that were created when we first started BURP :)


Vintage lover said...

heeei! am facut un nou blog, unde o sa postez numai pantofi cizme botine etc.. daca poti sa imi dai add la blogroll ar fi minunat:)

Chotronette said...

the glamor...the makeup :D how can we forget?

BURP said...

@cineva care iubea hainele: fab, absolutely fab, I tell u! :P