Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Little Socialite and Mina Ballerina...

"Hi! I'm sooooperficial, but cute :) Wanna go out with me?"

"And I love dancing in the wind. But I'm really really thin...I should totally go and eat a burger before the day is over"

...are out on Flu
Check out their stories here and here!


Anonymous said...

un pic lanvin, nu credeti?

BURP said...

Hello, Stefania! Multumim de comparatie, ne magulesti - Elbaz este un tip extrem de simpatic! :) Dar la ce anume te referi cande spui "un pic Lanvin"? Daca este vorba despre fetitzele de mai sus, noi credem ca sunt mai degraba "foarte BURP". Ar fi super daca ai putea sa detaliezi un pic afirmatia...