Sunday, October 14, 2007

when in need...

...just rub your greens

The above $uperhero wanted to be really special, so he asked us to create him a cool identity. And he payed for it, so it was a piece of cake :)

He has a set of really wonderful powers that can only be invoked by rubbing a few dollars. Rub for a few seconds and you will feel the weather getting windy. That's when $uperhero will make his entrance, ears up, blue cape flying and all. He will land on the closest object (put away valuable stuff, in case you don't want to see it smashed) and put on a very fatigued look. This is the moment when you have to give him the dollars to chew on, together with the wish you made (please take care to write it on a different piece of paper, so it doesn't get attacked by his sharp teeth during the chewing ritual).

That's it! Now you can wait for him to turn green and see your wish come true.

P.S.: The greener he gets, the more chances you have for a granted wish. He gets greener and greener depending on the quantity of bucks he swallows, so do the math yourself.