Sunday, January 31, 2010

this post will self-destruct in...3,2,1.

This is some kind of a good-bye post, as BURP is pretty much closing this blog for now. We'll be thinking about the future and if we come up with a good idea, we'll let you know :)

Thanks for being around and we'll probably meet again. :*

Meanwhile, the BURP kiddiez can still be found here and here.



ioana said...

e o gluma? :( oricum,sunt sigura ca vom tine legatura! pup.

Boheme.Fille said...

What:O:O:O..Why are doing this? Who will make my days brighter form now on???Huh,huh?

Mad About Handmade said...

oh noo:(( whyy?:( V-am trimis un e-mail...a ajuns la voi? Nu plecaati :(

Andreea said...

Cheers for new beginnings!

BURP said...

@Ioana: nope, nicio gluma :) e cat se poate de serios. dar e de bine, ideea ar fi ca ne-am plictisit de ce e acum si ca vom face mai mult (si mai bine :P)

Evident ca tinem legatura :*


@Boheme Fille: hmmm, pai ramanem pe facebook, twitter lumea reala :) plecam de aici, doar.

moving away. and moving on :)

multumim pt. bright days. :*


@BiuBiu: cum spuneam, e de bine :) nu plecam prea departe, nici prea mult.

facem doar o schimbare de univers :)

in legatura cu mail-ul, da :) vei vedea ;)

@Andreea: tx :)

Bo3mia said...

Well..good luck and let the new adventure begin! :)

BURP said...

@Anky: multumim :)

laura said...

in viitor veti scrie poate si in limba romana?!!!
succes oricum

BURP said...

@Laura: multumim :)

pe blog scriam in limba engleza fiindca avem prieteni din diverse tari - si este important sa inteleaga toata lumea despre ce e vorba :)

Plus ca BURP are un target international, produsele noastre si povestile lor nu sunt exclusiv create pentru Romania.