Saturday, December 19, 2009

time to remember.

Somehow, Simona thinks opening emails from our friends is a scary thing :) We're writing this post to tell her it isn't - in fact, it's just the opposite :))

(We should tell you that now, after 3 years on this BURP planet, the kiddiez still rush to open the email first thing in the morning, even before washing their eyes or drinking their coffee, but we won't, 'cause it sounds so lame... :P )

Anyhow, she was a darling and sent us this cute pic of her at the office X-mas party - with a 90's theme :) Seeing her wear the Sleepy Bunny belt made our day.

And we totally stole the other pic of her & Cristina, another lovely girl who became our friend this year. To tell you the truth, this was a very difficult year, but a really great one in terms of befriending beautiful people and getting inspired to carry on.

So this is a "thank you" post for all of you who make our days.