Wednesday, December 30, 2009

the naughties & you.

NY's coming. Nope, not New York, although a winter trip there isn't the worst of ideas, either :P

This time we're talking about the New Year - so get your resolutions ready :)

Our wishes to you are pretty common, really. We'd like you to be happy and have the best of everything.

Oh, and The Naughties above have a special message, as well. In a pretty choir, of course :)

They want you to get a thrill in every little thing. And to do stuff you never thought you'd do. And to mix water and fire, just to see what happens :) And maybe wake up every morning feeling like you're going to have fun, even if it's yet another day at work. And don't forget to challenge things that don't seem right. And even though it's plain obvious a new year is on its way, hope you

neverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverneverGROWup :)

Big kiss.


ioana said...

i guess i do a pretty good job at this nevergrowingup stuff :)
Happy NY,kiddiez!lots of kisses & hugs!I.(from work..tomorrow working also..)

Anonymous said...

I promise I'll never ever grow up! :)

Cristina Kittn said...

me promise me nevergrowup

BURP said...

@ Ioana: yep, you do :) Happy New Year to you, too! hugz back.

BURP said...

@ Andreea & Kitten: we knew we could count on you :D