Tuesday, December 29, 2009

jingle bells.

Here's BURP's Christmas present from Ioana: pics with her baby sister - Miki - wearing the Angel Girl earrings.

She also wrote us a very beautiful email that made us realize we're so lucky to have met so many friends through BURP.

And if others don't see BURP's big achievements in market share or stuff like that, we agree :)

But we want to tell them that we feel we've achieved a lot more than that :) And our friends, our feelings and our adventures with BURP will always count more in our book.


miky said...

hi girls...many many thanks for letting me be your guest yet again on your lovely website. i'm sure ioana told you already how happy i am about my jingle bells as you called them...that is my new christmas earrings with the famous angel girl and her sweet blue happy cloud...have a merry and wonderful NewYear and i'm always waiting for more fascinating news and ideas...best wishes and hugs from ioana's baby sister - miky :))

BURP said...

@ Miki: U're really sweet. And we have to say "thanks" :)