Wednesday, June 10, 2009

that's swell!

The kiddiez had a nice idea today and we indulged them:)
They thought about a "cultural minute", as they call it, in which they show you the stuff they like.

First off, the Flying Rabbit and his fave book about BABAR, the funny elephant who ran away from the forest and went to live in the big city.

The Flying Rabbit especially looooves those parts where BABAR is getting into some crazy adventure - and makes us read those paragraphs to him over and over again, until he falls asleep :)

Now his sister, the Flying Cat - that's another story :)

She prides on being older (and smarter) and dreams of a job on the artistic side. That's why she feeds on art albums and architecture books whenever she gets some free time.

Still, she's a carnivore - and her "taste" reflects in the choice of art, as well :)

Her fave painting, by Henri Rousseau, below. Although Rousseau's style probably seems naive at first, there's more than meets the eye. Look for sophistication and imagination and you'll probably see what we mean :)

And last but not least, the Swallow Girl is a retro-lover and digs for old books everywhere. She's especially fond of the caricatures and short "moralizing" stories from 80's almanacs.


H said...

babar is the shiznit!

BURP said...

we agree :)