Friday, June 12, 2009


And we've also taken Mina Ballerina on a trip to HIPPIE HIPPIE SHAKE.

We have a long-time relationship with this store :) Except for letting BURP kiddiez play there some time ago, we've been "Hippie" fans for as long as we can remember.

In fact, we were in grade school when this store opened. Although it has changed location for a few times, now it's there to stay :)

Find it on 1 Tache Ionescu street - if you don't know it already, that is.


Boheme.Fille said...

Ce frumos stau ele acolo mey, mey:)

BURP said...

da, neastamparate ca intotdeauna, incearca sa ii eclipseze pe cei din jur :)) bine, azi le-am ajutat si noi putin, recunosc :P