Don't buy him, buy me! :) I can think...twice :P
...is really chic!
That's what the people from Flu.ro are trying to tell us with their new platform, Licitatii Flu, where different kind of products - jewelry, clothes, decorations and many others - will constantly be put up for auction. The idea behind this programme is that you'll enter a "shopping competition" and bid for your fave products - and people in need will benefit from the money that will be raised. That's a whole new meaning for a shopping experience!
So that's why BURP also takes part into this programme, together with many other great people you might know already - and if you don't, you should check out the stuff they make, 'cause it's pretty neat! So go here and bid, bid, bid! :)
Now, for the first round, we have the little Frog Opera Singer brooch - he's been trained at the famous Sydney Opera House, he's been a regular concert hall appearance and now he's playing for his friends on the lake. But do they love them? And his squuueeeaks?...
And we've also got an Undecided Pet belt, that's made to make your day. Well, you might think that sounds a bit corny, but this cutie cannot really decide which way to go...so he's going both ways! Which is a good thing, 'cause you get 2 for the price of one! Watta deal!!!! :)
Hope you like them - I get the feeling they're starting to feel a bit lonely and un-loved in there, as no one seems to have given them the "I like u" vote yet :)
Kisses from BURP and we'll be seeing you soon - with good news and cool stuff :) Smooch!
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