Sunday, February 3, 2008

hey, that looks like...!
BURP gives you the "I love what you've done with your hair" collection. Above, you can see two of our girls, Redhead and the Yellow Streaks. If you'll look deep into their eyes, you'll see they are both bewildered at how their new haircut looks.
That's in fact the whole idea of the "I love what you've done with your hair" collection. It's about those bad hair days everyone gets once in a while - sometimes because of a very "nice" hair stylist that makes their hair look like a mess. It's a collection that celebrates awful looks and awful people - you know, the ones that tell you "they love what you've done with your hair". Even though you hate it! :)
It's all about those days when your hair gets way shorter or way blonder - or when it gets pink instead of red; or when it gets purple; or when the highlights you wanted are more like nu-rave than "classy and subtle".
Bad hair is the new thing in town!