Wednesday, November 28, 2007

how to...

...politely reject Shorty
Well, latest news, people! As we told you, Shorty was on his way to conquer Suave with...a bunch of carrots (that he called a "bouquet"). So he reached her house, knocked and entered. Suave was reading a glossy magazine in her living room. When she looked up, she saw Shorty standing in front of her.
Suave battled her eyelashes and invited him to sit, but had no intention to accept him as her boyfriend, no matter how much he tried. She is a very loyal lady and she loves her boyfriend a lot, so she wouldn't give in for some carrots. Although she needed her beta-caroten for the day...
Therefore, they sat and talked late into the night, munching over carrots. When the clock hit 12 o'clock, Suave said "Oh! It's so late! I must go to bed!", and politely said good night to Shorty. That's about far as we know.
Well, that's it, little rabbit, you just can't have all the ladies in the world... :)