Thursday, November 22, 2007

the Christmas offer...

Office Reindeer
Green Reindeer, Patched Reindeer, Little Boy Reindeer

No.1, Girly Reindeer, No. 6 under strict supervision
This morning, there was a lot of unusual movement in the BURP laboratories. In normal days, 8 A.M. is not really a time when kiddies are up, but today, they were running all over the place, moving boxes, filling them up with presents, drawing, writing, reading letters and so on.
When we woke up, we looked at them in awe, as we didn't really understand what was happening. "It's the Christmas jitters", Office Reindeer told me, with a knowingly look on his funny face. "And I'm supervising!"
OK, now I understand...the reindeers have already started preparing for the holiday season, as we'll have lots of fun stuff in stores this winter.
Just look at them! Aren't they cute?